
  1. Run RAxML (ca. 5 min for 5 bootstraps and full MLE search, higher numbers of bootstraps will run exponentially longer)

All done in EVE cluster


We’ve looked at 3 methods for looking at population structure. We can also confirm this information on population structure from a phylogeny, by looking at how the individuals and populations cluster within a tree. More interestingly we can look at the relationships between populations (something that is not particularly clear with Admixture, sNMF and DAPC analyses)


For this exercise we will use RAxML on the EVE cluster to investigate phylogenetic relationships. Note that we will not do any phylogenetic dating here, for that you could use a variety of other things, for example BEAST.

1. Run RAxML

#This is all done in the EVE cluster, it will take some time - we can reduce the number of bootstrap replicates to 5. You can build your own script or use the supplied one that you can edit (07_RAxML.sh)


#SBATCH --job-name=RAxML
#SBATCH --mail-user=christopher_david.barratt@uni-leipzig.de
#SBATCH --output=/work/$USER/ddRAD-seq_workshop/job_logs/%x-%j.log
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=40G
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

#load environment
module purge
module load Anaconda3
source activate /global/apps/raxml_8.2.9

cd /work/$USER/ddRAD-seq_workshop/data/Exercises_4-8/RAxML/

# 10 bootstraps

raxmlHPC -f a -m GTRCAT -p 12345 -x 12345 -# 5 -s  /work/$USER/ddRAD-seq_workshop/data/Exercises_4-8/RAxML/Lflav.phy ­­asc­corr=lewis -n bootstrapped 
raxmlHPC -m GTRCAT -p 12345 -f b -t RAxML_bestTree.bootstrapped -z RAxML_bootstrap.bootstrapped -n FINAL_bootstrapped.tre

# move output files to outputs directory
mv /work/$USER/ddRAD-seq_workshop/data/Exercises_4-8/RAxML/RAxML*.* /work/$USER/ddRAD-seq_workshop/outputs/Exercise_7/

Visualise the tree

First we can run rsync again to pull in the files from RAxML into our desktop directory:

# transfer from the cluster
rsync -avhP -e 'ssh -p 8022' \
  barratt@localhost:/work/$USER/ddRAD-seq_workshop/outputs/ \


On your own…

You can rerun RAxML with different parameter settings, for example by changing the number of bootstraps by changing the number in the first line to -# 10 instead of -# 5 (100 recommended for a full analysis, but this takes time). You could also look at different models of evolution instead of GTRCAT, or try a different ascertainment bias correction (not lewis)